Durazno is apricot.
In the town of San Lucas Sacatepequez, right where you turn to go to Antigua, Tathiana's family has a weekend farm. Tathiana and I grew up next door neighbors since I was born (I am the younger one) until we got married in 1997, both to Americans!
Growing up, I frequently went along with them to the farm which had a small cabin and tons of fruit trees. I distinctly remember helping pick black berries, pears, duraznos and ocationally membrillos. The berries we picked went straight to our mouths, the pears and apricots we collected in bins. Carmencita, Tathiana's mom, would use some for her consumptions, give some away and sell the rest. It was often that our bell rang and when we opened the door Carmencita was there with a bag of fruit for us.
The duraznos on the picture were bought at the San Lucas market as well as the cerezas (cherries) both used in the following dish:
In Guatemala eating the fruit in syrup is very common and it is still so in many families. We decided to reminisce with this dish. I was excited I probably had not eaten it for more than 20 years yet it was so familiar.
Muy original. Mira cuánto tiempo tenía otra vez sin venir aquí. Esos duraznos se me antojaron, voy a tener que pedirle a mi mamá que me haga unos.
Kewl!!! A mi me gustan muchísimo los duraznos con cerezas en miel!!
Muy sabrosa receta y sobre todo facil de cocinar.
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