Monday, February 18, 2013

Jutiapa Quesada and Juan Chapin

Pristine church at the town of Jutiapa Quesada a surprisingly fair size town off the highway. 
Investigating and asking the locals we found out this was at some point of time home to the famous literarian Jose Milla y Vidaurre who went also under the pen name Salome Jil.
I had forgotten he was the creator of the character "Juan Chapin" in the book "Un viaje al otro mundo pasando por otras partes" here is the link to download it:

Saturday, February 16, 2013


View of Jutiapa from the third floor of the Regional Offices of the "Ministerio" of Education.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Road construction

In Guatemala a road construction is a disruption for some and a blessing for others.

One lane is closed so one direction is halted giving the opportunity to vendors to sell their goods. It is a wonderful chance to taste the local food. In this stop in Santa Rosa going to Jutiapa we savored "Pacayas" battered in eggs.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

San Franciso Peten

San Francisco, Peten, is a town about 15 minutes south drive from Flores.
We swung by it yesterday for work and I was impressed of how clean the town is, in addition there are at least 3 private schools and a big technical training center run by the government.
Because of its proximity to the "cabecera" capital of Peten, main work and commerce is done in Flores.
In the picture the well maintained central park. One could just pitch a tent and live in the middle of the soccer field!