Monday, May 11, 2009


There is Mother's Day  also  in Guatemala although we know Mother's Day is everyday! The date is always 10th of May regardless of the day. Established by the Congress of Guatemala in 1968, the law gives mothers the right to a day of no work with pay.

I had thought this day I was going to post pictures of the various picturesque stone monuments there in the city and many town plazas, but instead I switched to the following:

Some that have been following know our older son we adopted when he was eight. I don't have to explain to my adoptive parent readers that this is a call of love from God and we surrender to his will. Some readers have timidly asked me to share about him since their kids are young and mine is 19!  I have hesitated because whatever I write I only want to be taken at face value not as norm or something to expect. 

There are many joys and sorrows children bring to parents most of the joys and none of the sorrows given on purpose, however that is life: day and night. We knew not having been able to provide Alex with the nutrient love and security of the first years in life was going to represent an emotional handicap which we embraced with therapy, prayer and abundant love. Alex no doubt loves us back deeply but he still is working on accepting love and allowing himself to have true joy. It can be hard to find yourself worthy of unconditional love when you are so aware that your biological mom's love wasn't and to be able to be joyous about life when you have seen cruelty's face.

Alex graduated from High School last year and this year has been a transition to help him be on his own. Saturday it came on the mail the first Mother's Day Card he has made for me on his own initiative and of course made my day! The words are few but the significance is immense. I feel God is listening

Happy Mother's Day! Below the cards he sent

First he sent this one:

It says Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for backing me up on everything.

And he also sent this. It was probably easier to stamp that to write and that totally OK. HUGE for us!


maruluarca said...

Amar a un hijo es más fácil cuando viene de tu vientre y lo has sentido nueve meses. Pero amarlo sin condiciones cuando proviene de un vientre quito el sombrero. Para tí, doble abrazo en este día. ¡Y toda mi admiración!

Ceci Vasquez said...

Wow, wow, wow!!
Que felicidad esta tarjeta!

Nancy said...

Se me erizó hasta el cuero cabelludo. Qué hermosa tarjeta, que nobles sentimientos.
Te deseo una hermosa vida de madre (no puedo desearte un feliz día, pues para mí es todos los días).
Un abrazo y, como dice Maru, toda mi admiración.

Zarek said...

very nice Cynthia! Kids are great and yours looks like a winner!