Sunday, March 29, 2009


I made it to Guatemala and I thought my first post was going to be about the delicious dinner Mom prepared for us but something more exciting happened...

This past week I  checked out from the library the book Journey for Peace: The Story of Rigoberta Menchú thinking I was going to read it to the girls and then write about it in the blog. Unfortunately, getting ready for the trip left us with no time. Have we had read it the girls would have been in complete awe tonight when we met Mrs. Rigoberta Menchú at the airport!

Nevertheless, I still approached her, expressed  her how much of an  honor was to meet her and asked  to take a picture. She was very kind and sweet to  the girls and thanked us for our interest in her work.  

The girls then asked me all sorts of questions about Mrs. Menchú and were amazed at the fact that now they have a picture with such a famous person.  There are various children's books written about her that we will now read and as we do we shall blog about them.

Mrs. Rigoberta Menchú Tum was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in  1992. Her foundation works on various fields particularly  education.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Qué lindas tus nenas. Qué experiencia maravillosa conocer a una mujer como doña Rigoberta Menchú, algo que dentro del país la gente no suele apreciar. Creo que estás formando unas grandes mujeres del siglo XXI.