When people in the US think of Enchiladas they think of the rolls of tortillas with chicken smothered in sauce. When Guatemalans think of enchiladas we think of a construction of tostadas, sauce, meat, curtido, egg, dry cheese and parsley.
Recipe for Curtido:
Diced peeled carrots
Diced peeled beats
Shredded cabbage
pickles onions
Diced bell pepper
Slivers onions
Sliced sauteed garlic
Cook the carrots, beats and peas all separately. Pour boiling water on top of cabbage and let sit for 5 minutes. Combine all ingredients, cooked, pickled and raw.
Olive oil, vinegar, dry ground mustard, thyme, bay leaves let it at room temperature for at least 4 hours. After that enjoy on tostadas.
In my house my husband and I are Vegan, my kids are vegetarians in training and my parents eat everything so to enjoy this dish:
Spread fresh tomato sauce on a tostada and the pile up the curtido and sprinkle with parsley. Enjoy with a side of beans.
Spread fresh tomato sauce on a tostada and pile up the curtido, put a slice of boiled egg and sprinkle with cheese and parsley. Enjoy with a side of beans.
Spread fresh tomato sauce on a tostada, minced meat and pile up the curtido, put a slice of boiled egg and sprinkle with cheese and parsley. Enjoy with a side of beans.
Me había perdido muchos posts que ya leí pero por falta de tiempo no podré comentar. No sé si ya lo dije antes, creo que sí, tu blog me parece un valioso aporte, un espacio que valoramos muchos guatemaltecos y que particularmente los que están fuera te lo agradecerán. Tienes una capacidad muy dulce de capturar aspectos únicos de nuestra cultura.
That looks delicious! My mouth is watering. Enjoy your visit home!
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