Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I grew up having Sopa de Frijol about once a week, as I have written in a previous post. Back then I only recall adding dry cheese and croutons. Nowadays we have gone nuts with it, partly because of restaurants and cafeterias adding excitement and value to an other wise Guatemalan staple.

Last night we were tired to cook so we had Sopa de Frijol:


4 cans of black bean soup
4 avocados diced
1 onion dices
cilantro and parsley chopped
Queso de Capas or Fresco (either buy it at a Mexican store or substitute for Feta Cheese)
Left over tortillas cut in strips and friend

Heat the soup and serve. Each person will 'contruct' its own soup adding all the above ingredients to taste.


Nancy said...

Mmmmmmm qué delicia. Yo soy muy muy poca para las sopas y los caldos. Pero la de frijoles es simplemente gloriosa.

La Vivi said...

Deliriquisima....Tonight is sopa de frijoles for me. Thank you Cynthia

Unknown said...

Tambien sopa de frijoles en mi casa hoy en la noche!!