If Craig Ferguson would be writing this blog he would say it is a sad day for America.....
I grew up listening to this role play and I challenge you to call or email any Guatemalan born before 1990 and as him or her Que estas tomando? I could bet they will say GALLO NUESTRA CERVEZA!!!
Myself, I will be watching the world cup drinking Monte Carlo, although I have to confess, and I just realized it, I am writing this blog sipping a Brahva :-(.
Cynthia: ¿¿!!QUÉ ESTAS TOMANDO!!??
Ahhhh... por cierto, una vez ví una camiseta que decia: "Si tu mujer está BRAHVA, tómate una GALLO.
I've been listening to the ConcaChampions games on Guatemalan radio. Those guys are HILARIOUS!!! Every time the commentators refer to each other, they always ask each other what they're drinking. So basically, they're telling everyone that they get drunk while they commentate. Your people crack me up.
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