I am always fascinated with all the street vendors, there are the ones that are devoted to fairs and events and the ones that take possession of a street corner and become a brand of their own. Such is the case of these flower vendors, vendedores de flores.

A rose bunch goes from Q15 to Q50 a dozen depending on the quality. It definitely makes it easier for men to bring flowers home. A point for Tom, who when in Guatemala, often brings me flowers!!
That was the one thing that totally amazed me while in Guatemala for all our trips. I don't think I've ever seen soooo much selling on the sides of the streets or IN the street!
Cien puntos para Tom. Y otros cien para ti por poner tus ojos en esas escenas cotidianas que a veces pasamos por alto y que llenan de sentido muchas vidas, a diario.
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