This particular OWLS, originally manufactures in Jocotenango, are a visual synonym of savings. In fact this figure has been constantly used in banks PR.
The Tecolotes are "piggy banks" (alcancías) made out of clay and hand painted. They can hold quite a bit of coin. The only way to take the money out is by breaking them (or patiently trying to take coin by coin out through the slot).
In Jocotenenago they also make alcancías with the shape of fruits and vegetables, growing up we used to have güicoy (pumkin) that we filled with chochas, quarters.
A Tecolote ranges from Q25.00 to Q175.00
Are these available on line or in the US? Our son (adopted from Guatemala) LOVES owls and I'd love to get one of these for him....
I like tecolotes!
That was so incredibly interesting. Thank you for the information.
I had forgotten this. Thank you for the memories!
sbj. I doubt they are available in the US. If you send me your address I can try to send you a small one from down here and see if it make it. Write me at cynthia@guatemalangenes.com
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