Tuesday, August 17, 2010


South of Antigua, tucked  between Ciudad Vieja and San Juan del Obispo is San Pedro Las Huertas. There I took this picture of one of the various water fountains along main street. People come to fill containers with water for personal use.
There might be  no running water set up at their houses  or if there is water might run only on certain hours, thus the need to go get water at the "chorro público", public faucet. ACTUALLY  I STOOD CORRECTED BY ANTIGUADAILYPHOTO who explained that in the case of San Pedro Las Huertas  the public faucets are preferred  by the locals because the water from the public faucets comes from a spring vs the running water at home.


AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com said...

Actually, the truth has nothing to do with water running certain hours or not having tubed water. Check the series I did on water to learn the mistery behing the public faucets.


Guatemalan Genes said...

Thanks Antigua Daily Photo, I edited the post!!