MUSEO MIRAFLORES is located in Gautemala city Zone 11 walking distance from where I grew up. Thirty years ago there was nothing in that are except various mounds that were the inspiration to many childhood stories when we used to fly kites around that area. Today the only piece of land without construction are the 5 mounds, around them a Mc Donald's, a Hyatt, a huge Mall, Blockbuster, Pricesmart, etc. The mounds are associated to burial pits.
Always fascinated by the mayans and knowing that where we lived once there was the hustle and bustle of a Mayan city many times as a child I went onto digging expedition in my backyard hoping to find an artifact (some people actually did when they build an addition to their house).
In 2002 the Museo Miraflores opened with a small exhibit and an interesting double floor in the main lobby that contrast what the area was like 2500 years ago, when the Kaminaljuyu city spread all the way to this area, with a walk glass top showing the street an avenues of today.
The museum recently opened a new entrance connected to the Miraflores mall, this are showcases exotic animal an a tunnel to a tomb underneath one of the mounds. The exhibit area has a collection of artifact from Kamilajuyu and temporary exhibits of modern Guatemalan artists.
The museum is a small oasis of green in the congested commercial area of Miraflores. My kids particullarly enjoy running up and rolling down the mounds.
During our last visit we also enjoyed an exotic animal show. In the picture Nicole with a real tarantula on her head.

I love your blog. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!
That is just butiful..
Very nice photos.
Miraflores Wasi
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